First Aid Squad

About Us

Mendham Township First Aid Squad is 100% volunteer. Our NJ State Certified EMTs provide pre-hospital emergency medical care 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Call 911 and the Squad will respond.

In addition we provide standby support for many community events and for the Mendham Township Fire Department. If you need a wheelchair, crutches, or walker on a loaner basis please email us and we’ll arrange to drop one off for you.

If you’d like to learn CPR or renew your CPR certification, Mendham Township First Aid Squad can help. We offer CPR/AED training for the community and will set up a class for individuals, families, neighborhood groups, and local organizations.

Please consider volunteering for the Squad. New members are always welcome! Email us for more information.

Please visit the Mendham Township First Aid Squad Website for the most up-to-date information.


2024 Officers

Ghen Saito


Leslie Dunlevy


Bill Dunlevy


Estelle Pasquier

Assistant Quartermaster East

Harrison Voyles

Assistant Quartermaster West

Marlene Russell


Bernadette Koenig


Bob Marold


Barbara Nelson

Training Coordinator

Nanci Kane

Data Steward